Stephanie Bucklin, Reiki Master and Psychic Medium

By 1LoveWarrior

By Stephanie Bucklin, AKA 1LoveWarrior 💕 Greetings new friends and followers! I am Stephanie Bucklin, a Psychic Medium and a Reiki Master (among other skills). 🔮 Through my abilities as a Psychic Medium, I tap into your unique energy field using Clairsentience and Clairaudience to connect with your higher self and angel guides. With insights…

Yoga ~ My Path to Peace

By 1LoveWarrior

by Stephanie Bucklin, Originally posted 2/1/2014 “Yoga is a disciplined path for purification of our attachments to the temporal world of form (bodies and objects) and the ever changing world of energy and mind, to experience the bliss and unity of consciousness as the unchanging, ever permanent, immortal and infinite Being.” – Dr. Brian Sheen,…