Thank you so much to our EVENT SPONSORS! We are so blessed to be supported by such an awesome group of people. Thanks for believing in Stephanie’s vision and co-creating this event with us.

Optimist Sponsors

Healer Sponsors

Love Sponsors

Community Supporters & Cross-Promoters

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Seeds to Inspire Foundation 501(c)(3) is an educational non-profit based in what we now call Phoenix, Arizona, USA — on the ancestral land of the Akimel O’odham and Piipaash people. We are a part of a large and enthusiastic grass-roots social justice educational movement with a focus on Whole System Health and Healing.”

I’m so excited about this partnership!

“I met Jacque through an invitation to speak for her club at ASU last year. Jacque participated in one of our most interesting and engaging Learning Opportunity events yet, all about the Blue Zones around the world. I was so inspired by Jacque’s contributions to the panel that I followed up with her to request a coffee meeting. We became sisters that day. Bonded and connected, we have kept in touch and have forged a partnership in holistic wellness for the community.

With the partnership for the Integrative Wellness EXPO & Conference, one sister is supporting the other’s dream. I see what Seeds to Inspire is doing. Hosting this event as a partial fundraiser for their amazing nonprofit organization is a tribute to the inspiration that Seeds has given to our community’s whole system health and healing. I feel blessed to offer this support.” ~S

Are you inspired to support Seeds to Inspire Foundation’s dream?